Chronology of Some Historical Events

With Bearing on the Story


I8I6...............................Indiana becomes a State.

I80I-I847.......................John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed) plants apple-tree nurseries in the Middle West.

I826...............................New Harmony, Indiana, founded by Robert Owen on the southern Wabash.

I844, November..............James K. Polk, Democrat, defeats Henry Clay, Whig, in Presidential Election.

I846-I848.......................The War with Mexico.

I846, August ..................The Wilmot Proviso, proposing that land acquired from Mexico be free territory, reopens the slavery controversy.

I847, September II ...........Stephen Foster's 'Oh! Susanna' sung, probably for the first time, at Andrews' Eagle Ice Cream Saloon in Pittsburgh.


January 24..........Gold discovered in California.
July 4..................Cornerstone of the Washington Monument laid.
November...........General Zachary Taylor, Whig, wins Presidential Election.

I85I..............................Hawthorne's story 'The Great Stone Face' published in The Snow Image.

I852.............................Uncle Tom's Cabin published.

May 25 ................Kansas-Nebraska Bill passed.
July 6....................A Republican Party founded in convention at Jackson, Michigan.
October I6.............The 'Peoria Speech' makes Abraham Lincoln famous throughout the Northwest for its clear statement of the moral and political case against slavery and its extension.

I855...............................Hiawatha and Leaves of Grass published.

I856, November..............James Buchanan, Democrat, defeats John C. Frémont, Republican, in Presidential Election.

I858, June I6...................Lincoln opens senatorial campaign against Douglas with 'House Divided' speech.

October I6.............John Brown raids Harper's Ferry.
December 2...........John Brown hanged at Charles Town, Virginia.

I860, November...............Lincoln elected President of the United States.

February 8............Confederate Government formed.
March 4................Lincoln inaugurated in Washington.
April I2-I4............Fort Sumter besieged and surrendered; Civil War begins.

January I ..............The Emancipation Proclamation.
May 2-4 ...............The Battle of Chancellorsville.
July I-3 ................The Battle of Gettysburg.
July 8-I3................Morgan's Raid passes through Indiana.
September I9-20....The Battle of Chickamauga.
September-November ..The Siege of Chattanooga.
November I9 .........Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address.
November 25 ........The Battle of Missionary Ridge.

November I4-I6......The destruction of Atlanta, Georgia.
Nov. I5-Dec. I0.......Sherman's Army marches to the Sea.

February I7............Fall of Columbia, South Carolina.
March 4 ................Lincoln inaugurated for a second term.
April 9 .................Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House.
April I4 ................Lincoln shot by John Wilkes Booth in Ford's Theatre in Washington.
May 23-24 ............The Grand Review in Washington.

I869, May I0...................The Golden Spike driven at Promontory Point, linking the continent by rail.

I869-I877....................... Presidential term of Ulysses S. Grant.

June 26..................Custer Massacre at the Little Big Horn.
July 4 ...................Centennial Fourth in Philadelphia; America is one hundred years old.
November .............Disputed Presidential Election between Tilden and Hayes; finally awarded to Hayes.

I877, July......................The Great Railroad Strike.

June......................Republicans nominate Benjamin Harrison for President; Democrats nominate Grover Cleveland.
July I....................Carnegie and Company lock out 3800 men on a wage dispute at Homestead.
July 4...................The Populist Party convenes at Omaha, Nebraska.

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